Tuesday, May 22, 2007
it is finished!


just completed and handed in all my assignments.
damn right, i'm over with them annoying shitload.

now... final exams. Judgement day begins.
preparation for end times... hmm...

well, lets just say i'll be the first one to be judged ... i'm doomed.
i haven't really started. and its 3-4 weeks away!!!
now... 3 -4 weeks away (for me) is not that near... in fact... there's no need to worry or even aknowledge that there's a flippin exam on its way.

but things have changed. 3-4 weeks away now means... why do i bother? its too late anwyays.
well, maybe not so dramatic... but its near.

i'm targeting for credits and above this time around. damn i miss VU.

On 7:53 PM, Victor let go.