Sunday, April 29, 2007

refreshed. challenged. disturbed.

the Sunway Monash Christian Fellowship camp was awesome.

to be part of the intercessor group that prayed earnestly for God to move in the camp,
to be part of the camp committee to see how God's wisdom helped us pull through.
to be part of the Christian Fellowship gathered together to encounter God's touch,
to turn back from my old ways and return to his path,
to be thirsty and refreshed over and over again,
to reach out to those who are lost.

on reaching out..

a friend's salvation.
i know. we can't get our way all the time.
we do our best in convicting, we have faith in God to do the converting.

it's one of the easiest thing to "put down the subject" whenever our 'non-believers' peers gets uncomfortable with the "Christian Talk". we can't blame them for feeling that way.

but each time we "put down the subject", its another lost opportunity for a person to know God. for one to know the consequences of a loved one dying without knowing Him,
what excuses do we have?
do we justify ourself as being 'understanding' peers or closed ones...
being the person they want to accept? someone who will respect their ways and belief?

so often we are so concerned with our own lives, putting everything else above God's work.
making this temporary life our priority and satisfying it with anything else but Jesus.
there's so much more we can do... there are just some things that can't be taken lightly.

On 8:03 AM, Victor let go.