Sunday, March 26, 2006

the hassle... BEGINS
i woke up at 6 am. got ready and got myself a cab to PJ's Pejabat Pendaftaran Negara.
i reached there around 7.15... waited till 8...
got my ic renewal done by 8.30.

ic down/ atm card to go.

took a cab from Pejabat Pendaftaran Negara to Bandar Sunway's Ming Tien.
had a satisfying meal and went straight to MayBank.
the process of Renewing my ATM took half an hour only.
reached home around 10 am.

freshen up *again
and off i was to university at 10.30.

see the the benefits of good time management?
not that i'm saying everything's perfect.
i'm not.
i am dead tired at the moment.
but at least i got everything done... including my student id.

a moment of peace and a sense of 'freedom'...
freedom from the weight/ burden for now. =D
but still- dead tired. bloody classes ends at 5.30pm later.

to God be the Glory. yet again, HE never fails!

On 7:58 PM, Victor let go.