Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i've been feeling like shit lately...
haven't got myself into this type of conditions in a long time.

but life has been good despite the unwell weekend i experienced.

last weekend was packed with church and Victoria University's activities.

there was a combined cell group meeting on Friday night...
where 2 previously multiplied cells reunite.

then there was Victoria University's Orientation Bash in Sunway Lagoon on saturday morning.
it was a day to remember for me
as i experienced the scariest shit i've ever ride in my life.

anyways, i had an outing with my cell members on Sunday afternoon. A bbq to be exact.
the weather wasn't in our favour... but i felt optmistic thinking ' the sick cannot get sicker' ... so i took a swim while it was raining. NO REGRETS THERE. heehee

but the bbq was delayed because of the huge rain. the venue had to be re-thoughted and we ended up in 'Kota Kemuning'.

so yeah, i'm feeling much better now .

On 12:36 AM, Victor let go.