Tuesday, April 18, 2006
i'm back

Ohhh yeah...
i'm back!

a dude actually asked me " why you keep smiling? " this morning.

and i answered... " life has been good lately"

but yeah... the smileS ended today. took 1 incident to make me realize i was still in this screwed up world.

i've been really stressed out about my 'business law' assignment. it's due in 3 days and i'm working my ass off for that.

this bugger (from Tawau) comes telling me about how his girlfriend wants to break up with him...

ow. COME... ON!!! i save their relationship more than once... and it's only because i know his girlfriend. I don't give a rat ass about that childish, manipulative and selfish shit head.

and now he's come running to me and bitching about his relationship problem?!
i just can't take it. i can't. i am a dude... with a freakin' life! he expects me to call his girl friend and try to persuade her taking him back?

what is wrong with these people! Damn it!~ bloody tawau kids!
now i start to wonder...how is it possible that a form 4 dude come lookin for me for help. of all people!

yess. my true color shines all so brightly again... don't you just miss it?
its black. it is now... it will always be.

On 9:44 AM, Victor let go.