Sunday, June 03, 2007

me and my movies selection.
in times of restlessness and confusion, I'm strucked by my movie preferences towards brain teasing and mind bending thrillers.

first it was ' 21 Grams ', then it was ' Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", now " Stay ".

its a very well 'made' movie starring Naomi Watts, Ryan Gosling and Ewan McGregor.
the catchphrase of the movie is pretty cool. "Between the world of the living and the dead, there is a place you're not supposed to Stay".

I love Ryan Gosling. since "Half Nelson"...
well, not really. hated the show, but his performance was still captivating.

it's been so long since i reviewed a movie... do i write out the movie synopsis? wait... what i do is criticize and criticize somemore. that's what i'd do. hmmm.

it's an old show and i assume noone is going to be influnced to watch this show even if i gave it a hell of a review. so yea, (thanks to Rotten Tomattoes' warning) i was indeed prepared for torture and confusion when i watched this movie. look who survived?! haha.

surviving the exams is another matter. here i am... reviewing a movie when my exams are still going on. 1 down, 3 to go; to be exact.

this... should be 'fun'.

On 10:26 AM, Victor let go.