Wednesday, February 01, 2006

everything is connected.
sounds cool doesn't it... abit corny i guess.
the trailer of this show was fantastic... very dramatic and looked as though it could be a great thriller movie. from the same film makers of 'traffic' worr... wah seh~!!!
one of the movie i most anticipated this year ...

results : (abit) dissappointed.
it was overambitious and too complicated for me.
not 'how' the movie was made, but 'what' was going on in the scenes/ character's lives that ended up being 'Connected'... some connection was kinda vague!!!

(spoilers) : tell me. what does george clooney's character being tortured [nails being pulled out 1 by one] got to do with the suicide of 2 young pakistani men?!

i know i know. it was terribly digusting...however, george clooney being in such pain was the only exciting part in the whole show. Andrew and I went out of the cinema blur cases.

rotten tomatoes
give it 73% freshness. the negative comments are more accurate. hehe.

On 6:11 AM, Victor let go.