Friday, January 11, 2008

have you ever been hated or discriminated against?
i have ...not, but sure felt like it just now; when i was in a room with some old friends.
such a sad ending where we were once so close with one another and everything was great.

church politics... petty matters that breaks the unity between elders. who bears the burden?
its us, the kids of the elders. we don't meet each other as often and there's a barrier between us, a sense of discomfort whenever we encounter each other. a mutual understanding that shit happened between our parents but we can continue being friends... just not too close.
its a lousy feeling.

today, i joined a friend's cell group in my hometown. so happened that the children of all those that left my local church was there. THE HORROR. how was i supposed to know?! i knew they were in that particular church... but to be in the same cell... this was not what i had in mind! we still talked... small talked. but i felt like shit lar. here i am, visiting their church's cell when they left mine. what are they gonna think? i'm really leaving this up to God.

i still tell myself, in the end.. its all for the glorification of the kingdom of God. churches... it shouldn't matter. it really shouldn't. damn church politics.

On 6:52 AM, Victor let go.